ΕΤΕΚ Photography Competition

Our company, always following the policy of promoting safety and health at work, supports the ETEK Photography Competition “Safety and Health at Work, Good Practices – Vision Zero” as the sponsor of the competition prizes!

Purpose and objectives of the competition.
The purpose of the competition is to raise awareness among all concerned about the adoption of good occupational health and safety practices to improve safety and health at work and to achieve the goal of the global Vision Zero campaign.

The Vision Zero campaign (Vision Zero Accidents)
This is a campaign of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), which is taking place on a global scale, with the theme “Vision Zero – Safety.Health.Wellbeing.” Aiming to improve safety, health and well-being at work.

The competition is open to all members of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ΕΤΕΚ) who have fulfilled their financial obligations for the year 2019. Last date of participation / sending of photographs and of the Participation Bulletin: 22 March 2019 at 12 noon (postmark or postmark date of filing the envelope in the submission box).

More information on the ETΕΚ website